Here are some tips to reduce fuel consumption and save money
It may be necessary to use the car daily, and due to
the high fuel prices from time to time, your demand will increase the cost of
using it, here are some tips and instructions to reduce fuel consumption, which
are recommended by a number of auto industry experts:
1) increase speed and stop
Many drivers do not pay attention to these behaviors.
Excessive acceleration or a quick stop of the car may affect fuel consumption
by more than 2%. For example, in the case of stopping at a traffic signal, you
must not accelerate hard and stop quickly in front of the signal, but you must
abandon the pressure on Fuel or brakes and letting the car slide until the car
must stop permanently, then the brakes can be used in the same way when
accelerating the car from stability.
2) driving speed
Driving at a low speed does not necessarily mean
conserving fuel, and there is no specific speed for all cars that can be the
most optimal for fuel consumption. Calculating that speed depends on the type
of car, engine and many other factors, but it is certain that the ideal speed
for fuel consumption should not be less than 65 km / h or more than 96 km / h,
and in general, a speed of 90 km / h can be relied upon, which is the appropriate
speed for most cars, which provides better fuel consumption, especially on
3) Reducing the weight of the car is an
important factor
For the same reason as before, reducing the weight of
the car reduces the resistance of its body to the air while driving, and is
reflected positively on its fuel consumption. Remove any unnecessary weight
from the car, as it is not a place for storage, and if you put any additional
accessories on the roof of the car, such as a grille or refrigerator, and you
do not really need them, remove them.
4) Air conditioning
Running the air conditioning may constitute an
important factor in the amount of fuel consumption while driving. It is a
system that directly depends on the car’s fuel for work. However, not operating
it means lowering the car windows, which means changing the air resistance
factors, which may also affect fuel consumption. The best solution is to
operate Air conditioning at high speeds only, while the use of windows becomes
better in cities when air resistance is not a big factor in the car's running.
5) Regular maintenance
Regular maintenance of the car inevitably leads to
better engine performance and therefore better fuel consumption performance,
and although many people believe that changing the air filter directly affects
fuel consumption, this may be true in the case of cars that were made in the
eighties, but it is not considered A big factor in modern cars.. The engine oil
change also plays an important role in fuel consumption, in addition to
adjusting the tire pressure gauge, all of which will reduce fuel consumption
while driving. Getting rid of unnecessary items in your car will make you more
Comfortable while driving, but it also works to make your journey more
economical in fuel consumption.
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