Hard to believe , But this 10 amazing pictures are real.
Hard to believe , But the following 10 amazing pictures are real.
You don’t need to be a professional photographer to take a truly unique
picture. A really creative image is singled out because it was caught at the
right moment , a cute snout of a cat, or
a perfect shadow. You can be the best photographer in the world, but sometimes
in order to take a really decent picture, you need to be in the right place at
the right time with your camera.
1) Indoor Cloud
Via Berndnaut Smilde
Even though this picture might look fake, it is real! The cloud represents an excellent example of the work done by artist Berndnaut Smilde, who experiments with humidity and temperature. You can see more of his amazing work here.
2) Mandrill portrait. Photographer — Wolf Ademeit
Via wolfademeit
In contrast to the wild life photography, the animals in the zoo normally in an environment, that is artificial, highly distracting and make an artistic design difficult. Therefore, as a photographic technology, I dark all picture parts which are not necessary to the picture creation. As in the portrait photography, I try to find the position, in which the animals present themselves as an individual, or kind is best.
My pictures never try to take account of actual circumstances. They are my elegy on an animal world, which disappears in tragic way every day more and more.
Said – Wolf Ademeit.
3) Jewel Corn
Via plugon
However hard you might find the concept, this is a real type of corn, obtain by hybridization between several different varieties. It is called Glass Gem Corn, and the name makes justice to the appearance.
The story behind this particular corn is fascinating and reached light
only due to the efforts of one man, an Oklahoma farmer named Carl Barnes.
Corn colored differently existed on American soil for quite some time.
Because it rendered lower rates of productivity, it fell out of production.- from viraliq####SIKI####
4) Jump of an antelope
Via brightside
The six-foot jump of an antelope saves her from death. Kariega Reserve, South Africa..
An extraordinary sequence of photographs has emerged from a safari camp in South Africa. They were taken by Jacques Matthysen.
5) Incredibly Cool Grid Waves
Via viraliq
In fact, it is a natural phenomenon called cross sea, and it has a lot of chances to top your list of cool things.
We won’t go into too many technicalities, but what you see are two wave
systems traveling at oblique angles. Sounds hard?
Try imagining that you threw a pebble into a lake, and immediately
after, another one, somewhere nearby. The waves generated will eventually
intersect at an angle.
The physics is similar, but a higher level, with winds playing the role
of the pebble. The pattern is hazardous for navigation as it creates unique
combinations of forces acting on any sheep venturing in such waters.####SIKI####
6) Namib Desert
Via wiki
The Namib is a coastal desert in southern Africa. The name Namib is of Khoekhoegowab origin and means "vast place". According to the broadest definition, the Namib stretches for more than 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) along the Atlantic coasts of Angola, Namibia, and South Africa, extending southward from the Carunjamba River in Angola, through Namibia and to the Olifants River in Western Cape, South Africa.
7) The Two Faced Cat
Via Venus
Venus, the “Chimera” cat, is an Internet sensation, and that is all due to her striking physical appearance. Her face is divided in two, and each of the parts is colored differently. To add to all that, one of her eyes is blue, while the other green.
Although many claim it is impossible and that Photoshop was involved, we
confirm the phenomenon as real.
Extremely rare, it has to do with the wonderful things happening at the
genetic level. There is a pretty good explanation why such genes are not
8) Flamingos in the Shape of A Flamingo
Via wolfademeit
The spectacular display can act as a Rorschach test once compared to the patterns already existing in our minds. The moment was captured by Bobby Haas, a professional photographer who traveled all the way to the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.
The formation occurred at the end of a 30 minutes photo session, and it lasted for only a couple of seconds, allowing a single lucky shot.
9) Red Rose in Black & White Surroundings
Via viraliq
A Red Hibiscus flower which blossomed after a volcanic eruption in Indonesia. The shot was taken in September 2013, when Sumatra’s Mount Sinabung unleashed its devastation upon the landscape.
The background is all gray out because of the thick layer of ash on the
vegetation. The flower blossomed after the ash has settled down.
The shot was probably taken before dark, as this would explain the gray
sky. The photo is a reminder that nature always recovers after catastrophes and
that life endures even in harsh conditions.
The shot is truly splendid and would make anyone wonder about its
authenticity without the story to back it. Any place experiencing similar
events can produce such high contrast photography.####SIKI####
10) Zhangjiajie National Park, China
Via brightside
The Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a unique national forest park located in Zhangjiajie City in Hunan Province in the People's Republic of China. It is one of several national parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area.
One of the park's quartz-sandstone pillars, the 1,080-metre (3,540 ft)
Southern Sky Column, had been officially renamed "Avatar Hallelujah
Mountain" in honor of the eponymous
film in January 2010.
According to park officials,
photographs from Zhangjiajie inspired the floating Hallelujah Mountains seen in
the film. The film's director and production designers said that they drew
inspiration for the floating rocks from mountains from around the world,
including those in Hunan province.
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